Al Fresco Photo Booth


Posted by Wellington, in Events, Photo Booth, Tips, Weddings, Regions, Wellington


There she is! A Photo Booth standing majestically in the great outdoors – not necessarily what you would think is its natural habitat. But it can be.

Especially during the summer, having a Photo Booth outdoors can be a great option. Not only does it mean that you can have it at your garden wedding but it also means that you can have your photos against a wonderful natural backdrop and not just inside the black curtains. Pull the curtains back (or get them removed entirely) and you can use nature as your backdrop and even have large groups pose a little further away so you can get 20 or more people in your strip!

But, like every other part of an outdoor wedding, there are some things to consider:

  • Can we get power to the location you’ve chosen for the booth? We come with 10 metres of extension cord but your venue may be able to supply more.
  • Is the terrain suitable? The booth needs a bit of good, flat ground.
  • How breezy is it likely to be? If you’ve chosen a bit of a wind tunnel to put the booth in remember fluttering curtains can be a bit annoying. Like many things at a wedding a bit of tape can fix that but it pays to think about.
  • Where’s the sun going to be? When your booth is up and taking photos you want the natural light to be good. The dappled shadows from a tree may make for nice ambience but terrible photos!
  • Like everything else in an outdoor event – do you have an emergency indoor site if things go bad weather wise?

Having a photo booth outside is a great way to have even more fun in the sun. Think about it for your next event and get our booths into the great outdoors!

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