Can you say CHRISTMAS!!!


Posted by Taranaki, in Photo Booth

I decided to pop into town yesterday for a quick 5 minute job…. An hour later I was home…. Can anyone say CHRISTMAS??

Yes the silly season has hit town with shoppers getting all crazy, kids screaming for Santa photos and that oh so catchy Christmas music playing in the shops and did I mention it is only 21 sleeps until the big day!!! And as always we have a lot of booth gigs to pack into those 21 days – and the truth is we are pretty excited about the whole thing!

We can’t make any promises but we might still be able to fit your booking in with a bit of flexibility, so you can still call us for the silly season…. This is the woman who hasn’t started Christmas shopping (or even written a list) I know all about leaving everything to the last minute at this time of year! – I am still sitting here trying to understand where the last year went … I’m sure it was only Christmas a couple of months ago wasn’t it!

Yay for Christmas, Yay for photo booths and YAY for fun! Love, love, LOVE this time of year as crazy as it may be!


Photo Booth Xmas


Wahooooo bring on the 25th!!



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