Blues..what blues?
Posted by David, in Regions, Christchurch, Photo Booth, Tips
Christchurch has been feeling the cold a bit, sure we’ve been getting some sunshine but that frost still bites! With the onset of the colder months, there’s been a bit in the media about the winter blues. I’m sure it’s something most of us can relate to to some degree, with many looking wistfully to the coming of spring and finding good excuses to hole up and hide out until it arrives – But this does nothing to help lift us out of that winter funk! Social interaction and merrymaking are great medicines and as tempting as it is to put on those fleecy trackies and old woolly socks and bunker down in front of the telly, maybe it’s time to try a new tack: Embrace and celebrate winter with a little mid-winter bash!
If you’re not one who’s fortunate enough to have their birthday fall mid-year (yes, I believe it’s a positive; a good break in the long wait til the next end of year festivities and a great excuse to have a party!), don’t fret – You can always hold a shindig with whatever theme you wish – be it a way-to-say-thanks-for-all-the-hard-work staff party, a Mid winter Christmas party or an I-have-no-reason-except-that-I-want-to-party party,  it’s time to throw off those trackies (come on, they do us few favours really), swap the socks for dancing shoes and get planning! And yes, the photo booth is a perfect way to increase the laughter (and all the healthful benefits that go with it) ten fold.
Of course, some people are brave enough to plan their wedding in winter – It’s not for everyone but what a perfect way to beat those blues before they even have a chance to settle! We had some great shots in the booth at a Christchurch wedding earlier this month, sure the day was a bit crisp but the sun shone and the venue was toasty warm. And best of all, the wedding party and the guests were laughing and smiling all day long.
Stay smiling everyone!
Manager – Christchurch