Family, Friends, and Fun… and Oompa Loompas..?!
Posted by Tony Speakman, in Photo Booth
What an amazing time we’ve been having in the sunny Hawkes Bay lately, from corporate silliness Rocking the Stadium for Vero in Taupo (OK so Taupo’s not technically part of Hawkes Bay but we still love you and we’ll come visit anytime :)) to Wedding hilarity in many different venues and the launch of the American Reunion movie at Readings Cinema in Napier (yes that is some of the Readings staff in the booth there)…
Then there was one of the best days in my life of late and that was my own daughter’s wedding… That’s her and her bridesmaids on the right, and my brothers and me in major prop mayhem on the left… props are sooooo much fun!
And just last weekend the School Ball season kicked off with Taradale High School’s Willy Wonka themed Ball, Oompa Loompa’s and all…
literally having a ball!
So it doesn’t matter if it’s a family wedding, corporate function or school ball (really looking forward to the rest of the ball season!) if you want some fun, call us now! Fun is in our name for a reason! :D