Kiwibank’s 8th Birthday Bash


Posted by David, in Corporate, Packages, Photo Booth

Taking the Photo Booths to corporate gigs can go either way: Sometimes the guests are a bit timid and take a while to warm up to the addictive fun that is the booth, and other times you have to move out of the way as the masses run towards you.

Kiwibank’s 8th Birthday was the latter!

Our highly trained Booth Technician Patrick was fearing for his life as the reveller’s lined up to have their 4 shots of fame and boy did we get some priceless shots!

Pity the fool… who didn’t get dressed up! Over 600 people and only a few didn’t join in.

Lots of pirates for some reason, the $2 Shop must have made a mint!

Some great costumes!

…and some strangeness! Don’t have a date for the ball? Take your self!

Thank you Kiwibank, we will party with you any time!

For more infomation about our Corporate Party hire rates, contact us directly.

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