Oooh! I like that one..!

Being the Regional Manager for Hawkes Bay, co-ordinating and working at awesome events and celebrations in Napier, Hastings, Havelock North and the greater Hawkes Bay area (even in Taupo, Palmerston North, Gisborne and beyond) is so much fun! But I have to say, one of my favourite jobs I do for the Photo Booth Fun team is designing the custom overlays;overlay-Ball-1taking the designs and ideas that you’ve worked on for your wedding or party or corporate eventoverlay-Comm-1and designing a strip look to match or compliment those ideas so your event is even more awesome. overlay-wed-2So I thought I’d take some of my favourite designs from last yearoverlay-Corp-1and put them together in a gallery to give you some ideas of what we can do and maybe inspire youoverlay-Corp-2for your event this year to enhance your Photo Booth Fun booking with a custom strip design.overlay-Party-1Take a closer look on our Facebook Gallery here  overlay-wed-1  Now let me know what I can do for you..

Tony Speakman

Hawkes Bay Regional Manager and Graphic Designer

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