PBF Christchurch on turning one and travelling about.

Yes that’s right, Photo Booth Fun’s Christchurch branch marked one year in operation at the start of February and what do you think we’ve been doing to celebrate? Weddings, weddings and more weddings!

Our second year in the South Island started with some lovely celebrations – Not only at some of the fantastic local venues around Christchurch, but we also got to travel a bit further for a few weddings.

Travelling out of Christchurch, we were pleased to take our booth to picturesque Geraldine for a fab wedding at StoneBridge – A very impressive venue, perfect for weddings, conferences, work parties – You name it! Carmel and the team were super friendly and helpful and the guests had loads of fun in the booth.

A new (for us) local venue we got to check out last week was the beautifully located Living Springs.  Situated overlooking Lyttleton Harbour, the view is a must see. And they’re not just a wedding venue – They’re also a great choice for corporate and/or training events. With the wonderful work of Denis, Rose and all of the lovely staff, on-site catering and accommodation and Photo Booth Fun just a phone call away, you’re looking at a prize spot for your next big event!


We had a wonderful first year and got to take the photo booth to so many cool locations – From as far south as The Catlins to all around Otago and Canterbury. We always love taking the booth to new spots and as we’re happy to service anywhere in the South Island, the team are looking forward to some more visits further afield as our second year here progresses.



This week we’re taking the booth back to Ashburton for the second Friday in a row and then down to Oamaru the following week.. Start how you mean to continue is my new motto so bring on year two!



Manager – Christchurch


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