A photo strip that means a little more than most
Posted by Wellington, in Photo Booth
This time of year brings all sorts of folk into the Photobooth – its Christmas after all. One of the coolest things we get to do is help out charities and combine this with Christmas and you’ve got good vibes all round. Already this Christmas we’ve had the real privilege of having a Photobooth at the Child Cancer Foundation Christmas Party in Wellington. They are a great charity that don’t quite get the funds that some of the other charities do but they do fantastic work supporting the whole family of kids who have or have had cancer.
And at a party like this a Photobooth strip is a little more important. Its often a record of a family together in tough times, or having survived tough times. The number of times we heard kids being told – “This is a family photo for Mummy” brought it home. These are families for whom memories are really very important.
What was also amazing to hear was how many families still had their strip from last year’s party and were creating a little collection of memories.
We wish all those folk plenty of happy memories to come and a big thanks for having us along as part of the celebrations.
You can be part of their celebrations too by helping out kiwi kids with cancer this Christmas by clicking here